Strategic Plan
The mission of the Energy Service is to formulate and implement the state's policy in the energy sector, with the main strategic objectives of creating a sustainable and competitive energy market, improving the energy efficiency of the economy and exploiting domestic renewable energy sources....more

Environmental impact assessment in relation to the siting of RES projects
The findings of the study, together with the comments from the public consultation, will show whether a modification of the existing spatial planning for RES projects is required....more

National Strategic Plan for Energy and Climate 2021-2030
The objectives set in the NAPAPS are quantified and costed, and intermediate milestones have been set, which allow monitoring of the progress towards the achievement of the objectives and are related to the adoption and operation of various policies and measures. The National Plan is currently under review with a view to increasing the ambition of its objectives. ... more

Long-term Building Renovation Strategy
Buildings are at the heart of energy efficiency policy, accounting for almost 40% of final energy consumption at Union level and 30% at national level.... more